Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Little About "The Rules of Content"

In total, when making a website, blog, and/or any kind of content one must make sure that the following rules are applied in it. These rules are known as the "Rules of Content". There are eleven Rules of Content. Let us go through each one and see what their importance are.

The Rules of Content

  1. Embrace Being A Publisher : In order to become a successful publisher, one must post content that is interesting, but also that could help solve a problem in another's life. It must be catchy as well.
  2. Insight Inspires Originality : Here you should not only yourself very well, but also your clients and/or customers well. One should have the solutions to the clients' and/or customers' issues. Issues that bother them and keep them awake at night.
  3. Build Momentum : It should have a purpose, such as to persuade, to provide solutions and/or alternatives, and so on. This should trigger a response.
  4. Speak Human : Use normal language not scholarly and/or corporate lingo. This would allow one's  clients and/or customers to understand what you are saying and they would be able to converse with you. You should sound like an ordinary individual like your client not a tool.
  5. Reimagine; Don't Recycle : Good content is always reimagined. Here recycling is not an option; but an afterthought.
  6. Share or Solve; Don't Shill : The purpose of good content is not to sell; but to create value and position oneself to one's  clients and/or customers as a reliable source of information and/or solutions for their problems. 
  7. Show; Don't Just Tell : A content is not considered good if it preaches or is hard to sell, but instead with the aide of case studies and/or client and/or customer reviews shows the success rate. This is obtained when one's  clients and/or customers leave feedback about how by using your content, has helped them in solving an issue they had. Good content is about telling a "true story"; not about storytelling.
  8. Do Something Unexpected : In order to make your content unusual than the regular ones out there, one must add something special as an element of surprise for your clients and/or customers. It could be in the format of a video, or even a link that provides similar details about what you are stating, and so on.
  9. Stoke the Campfire : Just as stated, if there is a presence of good content, there will be interaction  and?or conversation between you and your clients and/or customers. There would be even interaction and conversation between your clients and/or customers and their friends as well.
  10. Create Wings and Roots : This step generally means that one should use their own perspective in a solid and unique manner. On the other hand you should also give it some ways that it could float out in the web. One great way to achieve this is by linking them to popular social networking sites such as Facebook®, Google+®, LinkedIn®, Twitter®and YouTube®. This also helps in  increasing your audience.
  11. Play to Your Strengths : In order to have good content, one does not necessarily have to post podcasts, webinars, and/or even eBooks. Al you need are killer blogs. These are bound to catch the eye of your intended audience. If not all of the above mentioned, at least one of the following criterion in your content. This must be one of your strongest parts as well... meaning you must be able to do it really very well.

If I had that one card I could have...!

Have you ever thought, "If I had that card..., ( I could have summoned that particular monster, won the duel, and so on). I know I have, being a collector. I have been upset because it is so hard to find unlimited edition cards, which makes up a majority of my collection.

If you are missing that one hard to find card you always wanted you are in luck. I am planning on selling my collection of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards on eBay, where I already have an account. I am a buyer on eBay with a 100% feedback. My goal is to be a Power Seller with 100% feedback while having an online TCG store. I will be posting another blog as soon as I am done taking inventory. All my cards are in mint condition "Unlimited Edition" otherwise I would be stating it in the title.

A little about my collection:

My collection consists of a variety of cards from the I have mostly every card ever made by Upper Deck to the special promotional cards from McDonalds to the movies. My collection consists of cards such as the ever favorite Dark Magician and his rival the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to the unstoppable Exodia, God cards and Demon cards.

Anatomy of a Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card

What are the parts of a Yu-Gi-Oh! trading cards. In order to play the game (duel) once might understand these concepts. The figure below explains the card up to some extent.

Different Types of Cards.

As I had stated in my previous post I normally deal with Yu-Gi-Oh!® Trading Cards. What are the different kinds of cards? There are commonly three different types of cards in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!®. They are as follows. All the cards had orange colored reverse sides.®

  1. Monster Cards - Details of these cards are boxed in a colored (except green or violet) background.
    • Normal Monsters -  Details of these cards are boxed in an orange background(exception the Demon Cards).
    • Fusion Monsters -  Details of these cards are boxed in a purple (white in later series; especially Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds ® ) background.
    • Ritual Monsters -  Details of these cards are boxed in an blue background.
    • God Cards - A trio cards -  Details of these cards are boxed in an blue, red, and yellow background. These cards had also their reverse side colored in the same as the front. 
  2. Spell Cards - Details of these cards are boxed in a green background.
  3. Trap cards - Details of these cards are boxed in a violet background.

 The cards are also ranked in their rarities as well. It is given below as follows in the ascending order.

  1. Common - Normal cards with no fancy art or letters.Just normal print.
  2. Rare - These cars are also normal cards. The only difference is that they have silver hologram letters imprinted on them.
  3. Super Rare - The artwork on the cards are in hologram.
  4. Ultra Rare - Both the artwork and letters are in hologram, but the letters are in gold.
  5. Secret Rare -  Both the artwork and letters are in hologram, but the letters are in silver.
  6. Ultimate Rare - Both the cards' name and artwork in holographic format. The main difference is the level of the card is also in hologram. The holograms are embossed. 

What is TCG?

The acronym TCG stands for Trading Card Games. The most popular ones out there currently are Yu-Gi-Oh!®, Pokemon®, Chaotic®, Magic The Gathering®, just to name a few. There are Sports collectible cards as well. I myself am a TCG collector; however I have restricted myself to Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. My collection consists of mostly every card made with multiple copies as well, however I do posses a small quantity of Pokemon ®, Duel Masters ®, and baseball and basketball cards as well.